lifeguard courses
lifeguard courses
lifeguard courses





LIT offers the full range of required lifeguard courses taught by experienced and inspired instructors. Candidates as young as nine can start building their aquatic careers with prerequisite classes. Click on the individual course badges below to get started.

Learn more about the Lifeguard certification process by checking out our handy diagram.


Bronze Star Lifesaving Course


Bronze Star is an action packed course full of First Aid, Water Rescue, Fitness and CPR Skills.  This course is designed for 8-12 year olds. Candidates will start to develop team-work and problem-solving skills, as well as decision-making in rescue situations. Students will learn how to apply principle's of fitness. LITs experienced instructors will help students prepare for this component.

**If you are 13 or older, please register for Bronze Medallion, or Bronze Medallion/Cross Combo**

Students will need to purchase a pocket mask. This can be purchased at:

Bronze Medallion Lifesaving Course

Bronze Medallion (BM) teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness. BM challenges the candidate both mentally and physically. Judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness – the four components of water rescue – form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on and around the water. Bronze Medallion is a prerequisite for Assistant Lifeguard training in Bronze Cross.   This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 12 minutes.

Course Manual (CLSM) and pocket mask will be required to purchase at the course.

Courses taking place at Whiterock, students will be swimming in the ocean.

(Combo courses featuring both Bronze Medallion and Cross are also available)

Bronze Cross Lifesaving Course

Bronze Cross (BC) is designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training, including an introduction to safety supervision.

The Lifesaving Society’s BC begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. BC emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. BC is a prerequisite for advanced training in the Society’s National Lifeguard and leadership certification programs. This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 11 minutes.

Courses taking place at White Rock, students will be swimming in the ocean.

Students will need to have their own whistle which can be purchased online at  

This course is worth TWO (2) Grade 11 High School Credits & is the required pre-requisite for the National Lifeguard program.

Bronze Medallion/Cross COMBO

The Bronze Medallion/Cross Combo is designed for candidates that want to complete the first 2 courses of their Lifeguarding certifications.  This course will start with Bronze Medallion in the first half and then move to a Bronze Cross course in the second half.  This course is designed for candidates that are 13 years and older with the ability to swim.  Bronze Medallion challenges the candidate both mentally and physically. Judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness –  Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies.  This course will include a 400 m time swim.

The Bronze Cross portion of this course is worth TWO (2) Grade 11 High School Credits and is the required pre-requisite for the National Lifeguard program.

Course Manual (CLSM), pocket mask & whistle are required and can be purchased online at

National Lifeguard Pool Option

The National Lifeguard course is the last course in the Lifeguard stream required at pools across Canada. This course will ensure that candidates leave with a solid understanding of lifeguard principles, communication techniques and develop solid judgement skills for emergency procedures. Candidates focus on team-work skills throughout the course and learn how to adapt to different aquatic facilities.

This course is worth two (2) Grade 12 High School Credits.

Students will need to have their own Alert manual, whistle, pocket mask and Fanny Pack.  All supplies can be purchased online at

Standard First Aid certification are only accepted from the following agencies: Canadian Red Cross (all LIT Courses are Red Cross), St. John's Ambulance, Lifesaving Society, Heart and Stroke of Canada, Canadian Ski Patrol

National Lifeguard Waterpark Option

The National Lifeguard Waterpark certification is designed to take candidates with an NL Pool certification and prepare them for effective supervision in a Waterpark environment. The course will build on the knowledge that candidates have already obtained, and introduce them to waves, slide rescues, water currents, special water features and larger lifeguard teams. This course will also introduce the “pivot” guard system used at many larger facilities.

Swim Instructor

The Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor course trains candidates to Level 1 competency, knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to teach the Society’s Swim for Life® and Canadian Swim Patrol programs.  Students will be evaluated to a Level 6 Swim for Life skills.

The new requirement for the Swim Instructor course is to complete 8 hours of co-teach experience.  LIT has built this into the course, however depending on lesson available some hours may be required outside of the course. This will be communicated by the instructor.

Students will need to bring a adult in order to complete assignment 4. The instructor will provide more information on day 1 of the course.

Lifesaving Instructor

This Lifesaving Instructors course is an add on to your Swim Instructors course; therefore  the course in 16 hours in length, Lifesaving Instructors are trained to teach the Canadian Swim Patrol Program Awards, as well as the Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross. Candidates are trained in and must demonstrate skills, knowledge and attitudes at competency Level 2.


The YSI course is designed to teach candidates about how to effectively teach people how to swim and improve swimming techniques. Candidates will learn about the YMCA Healthy Child Development, Swimming Progressions and Activities, E.G.G.S., Swimming strokes and skills, and much more. Candidates who successfully complete the course will be certified as a YMCA Swim Instructor.

Swim and Lifesaving Instructor Combo

How to Become a Lifeguard  
Please click on the course badges below to view a list of lifeguard courses and register.

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